
Report: Fort Riley exceeds $2 billion in economic impact on area

2025-01-31T09:19:09-06:00January 31st, 2025|

Fort Riley leaders recently released the 2024 economic impact summary. The report shows that the installation, home of the 1st Infantry Division, had a direct economic impact on the area of $2.047 billion in fiscal year 2024, which runs from Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 30, 2024. That number includes payroll, contracts and services, construction, intergovernmental agreements, veteran spending and more. Total payroll for Fort Riley, one of the biggest employers in the region, was $1.312 billion. Source: 1350 KMAN

EMS investment, service return a huge deal for Sedgwick

2025-01-31T09:18:12-06:00January 31st, 2025|

Sedgwick residents will have to pay for most of their new EMS, but their dollars buy peace of mind and probably a few saved lives over coming years. The city received help from the state, about $640,000 in way of a grant, to pay for a $2.4 million fire/EMS building. It’s all a part of the city’s revival of such a service. $2.4 million is an expense for a city the size of Newton. It’s a major expenditure for a town of 1,600. The good part is the cost should be manageable with some of Sedgwick’s bonded debt set to expire [...]

Governor Kelly Orders Flags at Half-Staff to Honor Victims of D.C. Plane Crash

2025-01-31T09:17:10-06:00January 31st, 2025|

Governor Laura Kelly has ordered flags across Kansas to be flown at half-staff until sundown on Thursday, February 6, 2025, to honor those who lost their lives in the tragic plane crash near Washington, D.C., last night. “Today, Kansas mourns a tragedy. I am devastated by the event that unfolded last night and extend my deepest condolences to the victims’ loved ones,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “Thank you to the more than 300 brave first responders in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area who were on the scene immediately. This is a sad day for our state and our nation.” Source: KCLY [...]

Abilene to Vote on 0.35% Sales Tax Increase for Recreation Upgrades in Special Election

2025-01-31T09:16:07-06:00January 31st, 2025|

On Tuesday, February 4th the city of Abilene will hold a Special Election concerning a 0.35% sales tax increase to improve the dated recreational facilities in the city. The tax had previously been rejected by a narrow margin of 675 to 608 during the 2024 Primary election. Kellee Timbrook, Abilene Parks and Recreation Director, said this tax would help generate approximately $3.7 million over 10 years to help fund new multi-use sports fields and other recreation facilities including walking trails, adding pickleball courts and a splash pad in parks, and more. She spoke of the importance of these recreational improvements. Source: [...]

Ouster proceedings underway against McCune councilmember

2025-01-31T09:15:15-06:00January 31st, 2025|

The McCune, Kansas city council voted to start ouster proceedings against one of its own during a January 14, 2025 meeting. In a document sent to Crawford County Attorney Reina Probert, Mayor Bobby Clark wrote councilmember Jason Han "willfully engaged in misconduct while in office" and "willfully neglected to perform any duty enjoined upon such person by law." Source: KOAM News

Appraisal office considering policy about tax abatement of damaged properties

2025-01-31T09:13:05-06:00January 31st, 2025|

The Riley County appraisal office is considering changing its approach to granting tax abatements for properties destroyed in disasters. County staff members said Thursday at the Riley County Commission meeting that a state law about tax abatement for residences damaged in an earthquake, flood, tornado, fire or storm allows the county commission to decide whether it should give the owner an abatement. The county commission has no written policy on this, but has not been giving abatements, which officials said was because of concerns about fairness. Source:

Municipal Bond Trends for January 29, 2025

2025-01-30T09:55:31-06:00January 30th, 2025|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Municipal Bond Trends for January 28, 2025

2025-01-29T10:05:32-06:00January 29th, 2025|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Shawnee wants to make it easier for residents to take bulky items to landfill

2025-01-29T09:51:56-06:00January 29th, 2025|

Shawnee is renaming its popular bulky item pickup program and changing the way it distributes vouchers to residents for one free drop-off at the landfill. The annual bulky item trash program — previously named Tidy Town — gives residents the chance to get rid of large junk items, including old furniture, appliances and mattresses. Throughout February, the city will be mailing out vouchers for its newly renamed Landfill Voucher program via its city newsletter, “All Things Hometown.” Source: Johnson County Post

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