
Historic Kansas school built in 1904 set to reopen with new purpose

2025-02-07T09:05:13-06:00February 7th, 2025|

Workers are transforming an old school in Chase County into additional housing for the community. 27 News reached out to Frontier Development Group (FDG) to learn more about its work to transform historic structures in Kansas into modern living spaces. One major project underway this year is at a former school located in Cottonwood Falls. Tyler Holloman with FDG said this property is currently under construction, with a grand opening set for sometime in early 2025. He said more than a $2 million investment is being made in the old structure to bring it in line with the modern era and [...]

Pittsburg initiative aims to strengthen neighborhood identity

2025-02-07T09:03:56-06:00February 7th, 2025|

The city of Pittsburg is making efforts to bring a community’s touch to neighborhood names. Now hitting one year, Pittsburg’s Neighborhood Advisory Council has continued its efforts of connecting neighborhoods in the area. Also known as the “NAC,” one of its completed projects was establishing a neighborhood map that defined boundaries of neighborhoods and established names for each. Source: KSNF/KODE

Homeless camps in Topeka could be cleared with ordinance changes

2025-02-07T09:02:54-06:00February 7th, 2025|

Topeka city leaders made changes to a camping ordinance Tuesday night, setting the stage for additional homeless camp cleanup operations. The Topeka City Council approved changes to a local camping ordinance on Feb. 4, paving the way for the removal of additional homeless camps. An estimated 20 homeless camps are now under threat of being cleared out under these changes. Source: KSNT 27 News

Solutions Summit: Ellis County needs to tell its story better

2025-02-06T09:19:29-06:00February 6th, 2025|

Ellis County has many assets, but it's not always the best at telling its own story. About 30 community members met Tuesday in Hays ... From those discussions, the group identified four action items. The chief among those was developing a marketing plan for Ellis County. Source: Hays Post

Valley Center set to expand mowing responsibilities

2025-02-06T09:15:48-06:00February 6th, 2025|

All property owners in Valley Center will be required to mow the rights-of-way on their properties if the city council gives final approval to a new ordinance next week. Source: AV News

Municipal Bond Trends for February 5, 2025

2025-02-06T09:14:53-06:00February 6th, 2025|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Developer remaking long-vacant Prairie Village Macy’s asks city for $23M in tax incentives

2025-02-05T10:01:32-06:00February 5th, 2025|

Public incentives may be used to help finance a prominent Prairie Village redevelopment. On Monday, during a committee meeting, the Prairie Village City Council will discuss the potential for issuing up to $23.3 million in industrial revenue bonds to redevelop the Macy’s building at the Shops of Prairie Village. Source: Johnson County Post

Comprehensive survey is live

2025-02-05T09:59:57-06:00February 5th, 2025|

Attorney Joshua Albin, of the Wichita-based Adams Jones Law Firm, confirmed on Tuesday that the electronic version of the County’s comprehensive survey will go live on Wednesday, Feb. 5, at 8 a.m. The survey will be available through a QR code on the County website and social media pages and in the next few days, it will be posted in high traffic areas, such as check-out lines. Residents will also begin receiving a postcard with the code. Source: Morning Sun

Johnson County proposes airport transit for ‘completely unprecedented’ World Cup crowds

2025-02-05T09:58:18-06:00February 5th, 2025|

With less than 500 days until the 2026 FIFA World Cup, Johnson County is exploring how to expand its transit system to help tackle one of the Kansas City metro’s biggest challenges that will come with the crowds next summer — including a potential bus service to the airport and a route from the county to the soccer festivities. Source: Joco 913 News

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