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Pittsburg balances business losses with promising growth

2025-02-14T09:28:23-06:00February 14th, 2025|

Some Pittsburg businesses have closed in the past few months, but community leaders still have high hopes for the area’s growth. “Any time you have a business that closes in your community, that’s not a good thing,” said Blake Benson, Pittsburg Area Chamber of Commerce President. For example, the 87-year-old diner Harry’s Cafe announced a temporary closure, while Bling Pittsburg in the Meadowbrook Mall permanently closed last month. But despite those vacancies, Benson says the community continues to show business growth. Source: KSNF/KODE

City eyes structural rehab program to bolster housing stock

2025-02-14T09:26:43-06:00February 14th, 2025|

Manhattan homeowners may soon have the opportunity to receive financial assistance to fix up their houses. City commissioners on Tuesday supported a housing rehabilitation program that would reimburse local nonprofits for performing structural repairs on qualifying homes to build up and maintain Manhattan’s workforce housing stock. Source:

Pott County mulls changes to dust control program

2025-02-14T09:25:53-06:00February 14th, 2025|

Dust from gravel roads can not only be a nuisance for those living along them, but can also be a safety concern for those traveling on them. Pottawatomie County started the Dust Control Program in the early 90s to make county roads safer, and over the years it has evolved. Each year the county commission reviews the program, and this year county staff is recommending eliminating the option. Source:

Lawrence school board president foreshadows potential public comment pause

2025-02-14T09:24:51-06:00February 14th, 2025|

Lawrence school board President Kelly Jones floated the idea of pausing public comment after a confrontational exchange between the board and a frequent Lawrence public commenter on Monday. Board members told the commenter he was violating their public comment policy’s decorum rule, which he protested. The situation Monday lasted around 25 minutes, during which the board took two recesses. Source: The Lawrence Times

City leaders to look at ways to make back money spent on Hotel Topeka

2025-02-12T10:18:12-06:00February 12th, 2025|

City leaders are looking at ways to make back all the money that they’ve put into Hotel Topeka. While nothing has been brought to the governing body yet, it was talked about Tuesday night at a board of directors meeting. Topeka leaders are discussing implementing a community improvement district for the hotel. If it’s approved by the city council down the road, a small amount of every dollar spent at the hotel will go back in the city’s pocket, even after a buyer is found for the hotel. This would include purchases of food, beverages and hotel rooms. Source: KSNT 27 [...]

After city ignored petition about property taxes, Topekan makes his case in court

2025-02-12T09:49:51-06:00February 12th, 2025|

McIntosh argues the city should have taken some kind of action. Since Topeka didn't, McIntosh is asking the court to intervene and force Topeka to either adopt the city ordinance requiring public vote for tax raises above revenue neutral or the court can require the city to have a public vote about the ordinance. Source: CJonline

County commission approves property tax relief policy

2025-02-10T09:49:34-06:00February 10th, 2025|

The Cowley County Commission approved a change to property tax procedures at their Tuesday meeting, which allows property owners to request a waiver from paying taxes if their property is destroyed during the tax assessment period. Property tax valuations are set on Jan. 1 every year, so “if your house burned down Jan. 5, you would be charged for the whole year” under the previous policy, said Cowley County Clerk Karen Madison, who presented the resolution to the commission. Source: Cowley CourierTraveler

County-wide housing study announced

2025-02-10T09:48:25-06:00February 10th, 2025|

The City of Arkansas City, the City of Winfield and the Cowley County Economic Development Partnership announced a new collaborative effort Friday to update the Cowley County Housing Study, last completed by Hanna:Keelan Associates of Lincoln, Neb. in 2014. The updated study will provide essential insights to guide future housing development throughout Cowley County. The Comprehensive Housing Study will help create a strategic framework for future housing development that meets the needs of residents across all income sectors. The updated plan is set to be completed by April 1. Source: Cowley CourierTraveler

Valley Center rec ready for opening

2025-02-10T09:47:31-06:00February 10th, 2025|

The Valley Center Recreation Commission is preparing for the opening of a new recreation and aquatic center. The facility, located at 1050 N. Meridian in Valley Center, is set to open on Feb. 22, and there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the milestone. The grand opening will include tours from 9 to 11 a.m., with the ribbon cutting at 11 a.m., which will officially open the facility. Source: Derby Informer | Area

City looking to launch housing repair assistance program

2025-02-10T09:46:42-06:00February 10th, 2025|

At Tuesday’s work session, Manhattan city commissioners will discuss a housing rehabilitation and repair assistance program. Commissioners in October expressed interest in funding a housing rehabilitation program with the workforce housing sales tax, according to city government documents. Source: 1350 KMAN

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