
Prairie Village will address speeding on neighborhood street after residents’ petition

2024-09-25T09:13:16-05:00September 25th, 2024|

Speed tables are coming to a connecting street near Meadowbrook Park. The Prairie Village City Council last week unanimously approved the installation of two speed tables along 90th Street between Somerset Drive and Roe Avenue, just north of Meadowbrook Park. This comes after residents along the street banded together to petition for a traffic calming measure along the street.> Source: Johnson County Post

Yes, it’s possible to build too much housing. But Junction City has been recovering.

2024-09-25T09:12:13-05:00September 25th, 2024|

The story of how the city built entire neighborhoods for a population that never materialized is, in some ways, a story of bad timing and unforeseeable events – a fluke. But the experience also illustrates the risks many smaller communities can take in pursuit of economic development, and of the catastrophic fallout that can result if the gamble doesn’t pay off. In Junction City, the recovery process has not been without obstacles, and there are open questions as to the social costs of its charted path. The population has been in decline, with Junction City losing 408 people from 2022 to [...]

Phillips County prepares for mock disaster drill

2024-09-25T09:10:14-05:00September 25th, 2024|

A community-wide mock disaster drill will take place in Phillips County Wednesday. The exercise will involve the Phillips County Sheriff’s Office, EMS, the Phillipsburg Fire Department, Phillips County Rural District #1 Fire Department, Phillips County Health Systems, Amber Wave, and Phillipsburg High School. The drill will simulate a major real-life disaster to help local agencies learn how to coordinate and respond should a real disaster hit the region, which is required every four years under federal law. “We are grateful for the chance to work with our local first responders and healthcare providers to improve our readiness for potential disaster situations,” [...]

Why you will see more Kansas police officers at railroad crossings

2024-09-25T09:09:17-05:00September 25th, 2024|

You may see more officers pulling drivers over near railroad crossings this week. It is part of “Operation Clear Track.” From now through Sept. 29, state, federal and railroad law enforcement departments will enforce railroad grade crossing and trespassing laws nationwide. The project’s goal is to reduce pedestrian and driver injuries and fatalities around railroad tracks. Law enforcement will be stationed at targeted railroad grade crossings, handing out railroad safety cards to motorists and pedestrians and issuing warnings and citations to violators. Federal statistics show that a train hits a person or vehicle every three hours in the United States. “Operation [...]

City of Topeka offers free computers to local residents

2024-09-25T09:08:27-05:00September 25th, 2024|

City officials are giving away free computers to local residents in and around Topeka as part of a digital equity initiative. Taylor Bugg with the City of Topeka said in a press release that qualifying Topeka and Shawnee County residents between the ages of 18 and 59 can sign up for TSC – Get Digital, to get a free computer. People applying for this must receive SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, Federal Public Housing Assistance, Veterans Pension Benefit Program or have a household income less than 200% of federal poverty guidelines. Applicants must live in the following urban areas: Topeka, Auburn, Dover, Rossville, [...]

Municipal Bond Trends for September 23, 2024

2024-09-24T11:05:57-05:00September 24th, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Salina is using new technology to extend the life of its streets

2024-09-24T07:34:42-05:00September 24th, 2024|

"For instance, we're currently testing that pressure pave (technique)," [Jim Teutsch, director of public works for the City of Salina] said. ... He said road departments hope to get seven to eight years out of typical surface treatments, but this pressure pave system has claimed to get at least 10 years of use before retreatment, something that helps as the department wants to cause the least amount of headache to drivers. Source: Salina Journal

Arkansas City responds to cybersecurity incident

2024-09-23T12:33:49-05:00September 23rd, 2024|

Arkansas City encountered a cybersecurity issue early Sunday morning involving its Water Treatment Facility. Authorities were promptly notified and precautionary measures were taken to ensure plant operations remained secure, the City said in a release Sunday afternoon. Source: KAKE

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