
More fresh fruit, vegetables will soon be headed to Wichita ‘food deserts.’ Here’s how

2024-11-18T09:41:28-06:00November 18th, 2024|

The shelves and run-down refrigerators at Mr. MC’s Market in north Wichita are running low, mainly because many local produce items aren’t in season. But that’s soon to change. The market, on 21st Street near I-135, is in a food desert. Mr. MC’s is also the first store to take part in the city of Wichita’s new Healthy Corner Store Initiative. The program will help several corner stores in town get new refrigerators and maintain them so that they can sell fresh produce. TOP VIDEOS “It’s going to make everything better,” the market’s CEO, Alicia Broomfield, said. “We’re going to get [...]

Paid parking to come up for another vote Tuesday. Here are Wichita’s latest options

2024-11-18T09:39:31-06:00November 18th, 2024|

After receiving swift backlash from community members and downtown business owners earlier this year, the Wichita City Council will finally vote Tuesday on how it will implement paid parking. The paid parking system will affect most of downtown Wichita, Old Town, and the Delano neighborhood. The city has pursued paid parking downtown, saying it needs more money to maintain existing parking options. The city council has five options to vote on. One option is not keeping things the way they are now. Source: Local News | Wichita Eagle

FACT SHEET: Celebrating Three Years of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law at USDA

2024-11-18T09:37:56-06:00November 18th, 2024|

Three years ago, on November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, making a historic investment in America’s infrastructure and competitiveness. Since being signed into law, it has been instrumental in transforming the lives and livelihoods of farmers, ranchers, small businesses and communities nationwide. Through this landmark legislation, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is bringing economic opportunity, telemedicine and distance learning to rural America, with investments in high-speed internet; protecting and making communities more resilient to wildfires by restoring forests and investing in the wildland fire workforce; and supporting innovative solutions to the many environmental, economic and social [...]

Governor Kelly Announces More than $320,000 for Seven Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative Projects

2024-11-18T09:36:47-06:00November 18th, 2024|

Governor Laura Kelly announced on Friday that more than $320,000 will go toward seven new partnership initiatives for the second year of funding through the Kansas Water Office’s Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative (KWPPI). KWPPI invests State Water Plan Fund resources into projects centered around conserving and protecting the High Plains Aquifer, improving state water quality, reducing vulnerability to extreme events, and increasing awareness of Kansas water resources. “These projects continue the work we are doing to secure our state’s water future,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “The investments we make today will affect generations to come. The Kansas Water Plan Partnership Initiative [...]

National League of Cities Releases Research Brief Series Chronicling History of Municipal Government

2024-11-18T09:33:37-06:00November 18th, 2024|

Local governments have evolved over the last century to serve their communities and respond to the needs of their residents. As part of its centennial celebration, the National League of Cities (NLC) researched and collated the history of municipal government in the United States with a focus on governance, workforce finance and the power of local authority. The four-part series explores population shifts, the types of government that dominate local governing bodies, expansion of the municipal workforce as well as municipal finance and infrastructure and the history of home rule. Source:

Hillsboro discusses plans for fire station

2024-11-18T09:32:13-06:00November 18th, 2024|

The Hillsboro City Council met on Tuesday, Nov. 5 where they heard from Hillsboro Fire Chief and Building Inspector Ben Steketee. Steketee presented the annual department head report with a PowerPoint report on the building department and fire department activities. He highlighted the contributions of Caren Funk who assists with contractor licensing, permit process and fire department secretary duties. Steketee also gave statistics including 59 building permits issued, 94 contractors licensed and $1730,764.38 in project value. Steketee also updated the council on training activities, including wildland fire training and rescue tool comparison events. He reported that training events include physical exertion [...]

Wichita officials say Cheney Reservoir still needs water

2024-11-18T09:30:33-06:00November 18th, 2024|

Wichita officials say recent rainfall has helped with the ongoing drought situation, but the drought continues and Cheney Reservoir still needs more water. While the city has received above average rainfall for November, the reservoir is still almost 8 feet below the needed level. About 26 billion gallons of water will be needed in the reservoir to get out of the drought. The current level is 56.24 percent full, and the 12-month average of the conservation pool was at 65.1 percent. The city remains at Stage Two of its drought response plan, which has placed a restriction of one day a [...]

Sedgwick County Corrections changes restraint policies

2024-11-18T09:29:33-06:00November 18th, 2024|

The Department of Corrections for Sedgwick County has changed its policies on the use of force and restraints on people who are in custody. The policy will eliminate the use of a “Safe Clinch” maneuver that is no longer practiced. The changes will affect county corrections facilities and the Juvenile Intake and Assessment Center. The changes are a response to the September, 2021 in-custody death of 17-year-old Cedric Lofton after a struggle with staff at the JIAC. A community task force made a number of recommendations for the juvenile justice system after Lofton’s death. The Team Justice juvenile advisory board gave [...]

Westwood gets first look at new park design, but lawsuit has snagged plans indefinitely

2024-11-18T09:28:18-06:00November 18th, 2024|

The city of Westwood’s new park envisions walking paths, natural play and restrooms — but planning is on hold indefinitely due to an active lawsuit. On Thursday, the Westwood City Council during a work session got a first look at three different ideas for a new park planned for the former Westwood View Elementary site. This proposed 3.8-acre park is part of Karbank Real Estate Services’ controversial Rainbow Boulevard project, a six-building office-retail development that the city approved last year. In exchange for building on Joe D. Dennis Park — which is Westwood’s main park — Karbank agreed to give the [...]

Fallen marshal to be honored on national memorial

2024-11-18T09:26:45-06:00November 18th, 2024|

A lawman killed in Cherokee County nearly 125 years ago will soon be honored nationally. Empire City Marshal Marion Thomas will soon be added to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. In 1900 – present day Galena was known as “Empire City.” On February 4 of that year, Marshal Thomas entered a saloon near Main and Columbus Streets around 3 that afternoon for a report of shots fired inside the establishment. When he entered, he was shot multiple times, he died instantly, leaving behind a wife and three kids. The Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office learned earlier this year [...]

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