
Olathe moves ahead with STAR bond district for ‘ultra-accessible’ amusement park, sport arena

2024-09-19T09:07:37-05:00September 19th, 2024|

Loretto Properties’ plan to build an “ultra-accessible” special incentive district featuring an amusement park, a 5,000-seat multisport complex, housing, retail, dining and a medical facility for individuals with disabilities easily cleared its first hurdle this week. The company — run by Lamar Hunt Jr. and his son-in-law James Arkell — has requested a Sales Tax and Revenue, or STAR, bond district. The total estimate for the price tag of the first planned phase of development at the southwest corner of 119th Street and Renner Boulevard covering about 64 acres costs about $300 million. An official amount has yet to be set, [...]

Prairie Village shuts down big changes to property tax rebate program

2024-09-19T09:06:23-05:00September 19th, 2024|

One Prairie Village program to provide tax relief for residents is remaining relatively unchanged, despite one councilmember’s proposed updates. The Prairie Village City Council on Monday during its committee meeting effectively shut down a proposal by Councilmember Greg Shelton to change the city’s property tax rebate program to emphasize helping young families. Currently, the property tax rebate program gives eligible residents — based only on income levels — the city’s portion of their individual tax bill back as a way to offer some tax relief. The city council discussed Shelton’s proposal to prioritize families as a way to provide relief for [...]

Hillsboro to aid Peabody on water

2024-09-19T09:04:57-05:00September 19th, 2024|

Hillsboro City Council agreed Tuesday that Hillsboro water system employees would help Peabody with its understaffed public works department. City administrator Matt Stiles discussed Peabody’s staffing with mayor Lou Thurston, Peabody mayor Catherine Weems, and Hillsboro water superintendent and Peabody resident Morgan Marler. “Peabody has seen a lot of employees leave the organization, which has created a situation where they don’t have the required operators or staff to address their system requirements,” Stiles said. Source: Marion County RECORD

Grocery and deli provides an oasis in growing Kansas food deserts

2024-09-19T10:10:03-05:00September 19th, 2024|

Its removal can spell disaster for locals, who might be left with a corporate mega-chain as their only option for groceries, or at least be forced to drive much farther for quality food. The Wichita Eagle reported in 2016 that 51% of Kansas’ 675 communities had no local supermarkets. The future is not looking good for such businesses, either. One in five rural Kansas groceries closed between 2008 and 2018, according to the Rural Grocery Initiative at Kansas State University. Source:Marion County RECORD

Olathe OKs incentives for rundown shopping complex — Here’s the plan

2024-09-19T09:02:25-05:00September 19th, 2024|

The vacant and dilapidated Rosebud Plaza Shopping Center at the northeast corner of Santa Fe Street and Mur-Len Road could soon see some reinvestment to the tune of $26 million. On Tuesday, the Olathe City Council voted 6-0 to start the process of establishing a Tax Increment Financing, or TIF, district for the shopping center’s redevelopment, now dubbed Indian Creek Crossing. Source: Prairie Village Post

Hostilities at public meetings a nationwide issue

2024-09-18T11:28:34-05:00September 18th, 2024|

An outrageous Lawrence City Council meeting is just one example of political discord at the local level. Commission meetings in Lawrence are built to solicit and hear public input. On nearly every agenda item, citizens are given up to three minutes apiece to weigh in. There is even a section of the meeting to hear public comments about city business that isn’t on the agenda. I covered the Lawrence City Commission years ago as a young journalist, you see. There was always a culture of vibrant public input — I can remember the gadflies and their names; the meetings could stretch [...]

Richmond builds new fire station

2024-09-18T11:25:20-05:00September 18th, 2024|

The town of Richmond is not catching on fire, but you’ll certainly see red when you notice the new fire station which is East of Highway 59 Service Station. The 80ft. X 76ft. steel-sided building was designed by Ken Coleman and built by Quality Structures in what seemed like a short amount of time. “Quality Structures is proud to help serve the city of Richmond and local communities,” said Rick Gudenkauf, General Manager. This is only one of numerous projects QSI has helped with or been almost totally responsible for as in the case of the Show Barn for the Richmond [...]

Childcare again drives county meeting

2024-09-18T11:21:52-05:00September 18th, 2024|

A Crawford County commissioner, pastor, and Morning Sun news reporter discussed childcare at Tuesday’s regular meeting, exchanging at times heated comments on the validity and process of the funds from the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA). The conversation of childcare further carried into this week’s meeting with Victory Life Church Pastor Donny Talent speaking during public comment. Source: Morning Sun

College students help revitalize downtown gardens

2024-09-18T11:20:30-05:00September 18th, 2024|

Emporia Main Street’s ongoing “Adopt a Garden” program received a major boost Monday evening when volunteers from Flint Hills Technical College and the Emporia State University women’s basketball team pitched in to clean up downtown garden beds. Students spent about some time weeding, removing trash, and tidying up the beds to help keep the city’s green spaces vibrant. “We’re really excited we had volunteers from Flint Hills Technical College and the ESU women’s basketball team helping us out,” said Community Development Coordinator Jess Buchholz. “The downtown gardens are a big part of our community, and having the help of local volunteers [...]

Halstead Zoning Commission holds open hearing on battery storage system

2024-09-18T11:19:26-05:00September 18th, 2024|

The Halstead Planning and Zoning Commission opened a public hearing as the board tried to draft regulations regarding battery energy storage systems or BESS. Concurrent, a renewable energy company, wants to build the Tallgrass Prairie Energy Center in the Halstead Industrial Park. The lithium ion battery storage system would use the Evergy transmission system and substation located on the south side of the Industrial Park. Concurrent would build the facility and then sell it to a private company. Aidan Pelligrino, Concurrent’s managing director of development, asked the commission to make changes in some of the wording to the draft of the [...]

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