
Topeka seeks engaged citizens to apply for government review committee

2024-11-15T09:08:55-06:00November 15th, 2024|

The capital city is on the hunt for “community-minded” residents to serve on a government review committee. Dan Garrett, Topeka’s director of communications, announced in a news release Thursday, Nov. 14 the city is asking residents to apply for the “newly re-established Citizen Government Review Committee”. This committee will examine and evaluate Topeka’s form of government. Topeka’s governing body is looking for five Topekans who reflect the city’s diverse population. The goal: making thoughtful recommendations for potential amendments and modifications to improve the effectiveness and alignment with the needs of the community, according to the news release. Source: KSNT 27 News

Downtown Wichita paid parking goes back to City Council on Tuesday. What to know

2024-11-15T09:03:53-06:00November 15th, 2024|

It's decision time for the Wichita City Council on whether to implement a downtown paid parking plan and how to do it. Next week — two months after its last meeting on an issue that has spurred passionate debate within the business community — the Council will consider five parking plan options. Four include various forms of paid parking implementation and management, while one continues the status quo of keeping much of downtown parking free. Source: Wichita Business Journal

Kansas school district that drew legislative ire for funding plan will disband

2024-11-15T07:57:36-06:00November 15th, 2024|

Kansas's smallest school district is set to dissolve, and the Kansas State Board of Education will make recommendations on how the district proceeds. Healy Unified School District 468 got special attention from the Legislature last year after Sen. Molly Baumgardner, R-Louisburg, learned the district was seeking to use past enrollment to get state funding despite it not teaching any students. Source: CJonline

Municipal Bond Trends for November 13, 2024

2024-11-14T10:03:56-06:00November 14th, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Municipal Bond Trends for November 12, 2024

2024-11-13T10:18:27-06:00November 13th, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

County adds rules for drone usage by employees

2024-11-13T10:07:27-06:00November 13th, 2024|

Cowley County commissioners approved new rules to the county personnel policy on Tuesday regarding the use of unmanned aircraft for official business, including to protect people’s privacy. The rules set operational requirements for using unmanned aircraft (also referred to as UA, UAS or drones), including requiring employees to maintain the proper certifications and demonstrate that they understand all laws related to operation. UA’s must also be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration. The rules also cover data collection, data storage and documentation requirements for employee to follow. All privacy laws at the federal, state and local levels must be followed, and [...]

Alcohol rule repeal has businesses making plans

2024-11-13T10:06:22-06:00November 13th, 2024|

Voters chose to repeal the county’s requirement that businesses selling alcohol must also have 30 percent of their sales come from food. Last Tuesday, 67 percent of voters cast ballots in favor of making the change, which took effect immediately. Newton Community Development Coordinator Zach McHatton said the change has made his job easier. McHatton works to bring in businesses to Newton, and that’s included trying to get a brewery located in the city. Source: Harvey County Now

Halstead to purchase new playground equipment

2024-11-13T10:04:38-06:00November 13th, 2024|

After finding a grant that would match the costs of new playground equipment, the Halstead-Bentley School District is starting the process of buying new equipment. The grant will help reduce bond costs by nearly $100,000. Bentley Elementary’s principal, Adam Conard, found the grant and decided to go for it. Current equipment at the school is old and doesn’t all meet current safety regulations. Conard said some of the equipment had been grandfathered in. He said the only thing that could stay and be relocated was the rope structure, which was newer. Source: Harvey County Now

Hesston Rec to host first ever community Thanksgiving

2024-11-13T10:01:00-06:00November 13th, 2024|

Thanksgiving can be a time of traditions, and for Hesston, there might just be a foundation being built for a new H-town tradition. On Saturday, Nov. 23, Hesston Recreation is partnering with Hesston Community Foundation and various other sponsors to host Hesston’s first ever Community Thanksgiving. The free meal will be served from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hesston Middle School. Source: Harvey County Now

Hesston City Council adopts strategic plan

2024-11-13T09:59:32-06:00November 13th, 2024|

After a midweek retreat and work session, the Hesston City Council had a short but effective meeting on Nov. 11. The work session put together a new strategic plan, which covers 2025 to 2029. In the new living document, there are four goals. The first goal is economic development, the second goal is the parks improvement plan to prioritize each park and establish timelines for playground replacement, thirdly, the goal is to address two public facilities for improvements, and the fourth goal is to establish a civic leadership team. The motion to approve the strategic plan, with the addition of a [...]

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