
Lawrence school board gives cell phone policy initial approval after district suggests ‘guidance’ in opposition

2024-11-26T09:16:02-06:00November 26th, 2024|

Lawrence school board members on Monday gave initial approval to a draft cell phone policy, despite district administrators proposing guidance that directly conflicts with the draft as it’s written. Board member Anne Costello said she was “a little surprised” when reviewing a two-page document that was attached to the board’s agenda sometime after Saturday but before the meeting Monday. The document offers guidance for implementing the policy, including permitting middle schoolers access to their phones during lunchtime and high schoolers during lunchtime and passing periods. The policy draft says personal cell phones and devices must be “turned off and stored out [...]

Municipal Bond Trends for November 22, 2024

2024-11-25T08:48:22-06:00November 25th, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

How Kansas laws could change on zoning, city building codes and tax incentives

2024-11-24T08:09:49-06:00November 24th, 2024|

A special committee of members from the Kansas House and Senate are working to increase affordable housing options across the state. The committee on Tuesday and Wednesday discussed a myriad of ways to bring in more affordable housing. A laundry list of recommendations were accepted, including reviewing tax incentives and the way they can be stacked, local government authority on rezoning and the way city building codes are changed. Source: Hutch News

What’s beneath the paint? Silver Lake is special to the community

2024-11-24T08:04:34-06:00November 24th, 2024|

A new mural in Silver Lake embraces the community in a way that’s highly visible to those traveling through. Earlier this month, residents of all ages joined in adding the final bits of paint via handprints on the large-scale artwork painted on the east wall of DG Market, 10020 US-24 highway. Source: CJonline

Municipal Bond Trends for November 21, 2024

2024-11-22T10:23:19-06:00November 22nd, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Municipal Bond Trends for November 20, 2024

2024-11-21T07:44:37-06:00November 21st, 2024|

The interest rate table above illustrates recent changes in a sample of AA rated bond trades reported to the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board’s EMMA® system. Every issuer's credit is different, and other financing sources may be available. To obtain comprehensive Financial Advisory services for your local government, contact your Ranson Financial Municipal Advisor, Larry Kleeman, or Henry Schmidt.

Augusta Public Library receives Artemis moon tree

2024-11-20T09:58:32-06:00November 20th, 2024|

On October 25 the Augusta Public Library announced they had been chosen as a recipient to receive a NASA Moon Tree. The trees are unique in that the seeds were flown in the rocket used for the Artemis I mission around the moon in 2022. The seeds traveled 270,000 miles from Earth aboard the Orion spacecraft. Several species were flown on the mission including sycamores, sweetgums, Douglas firs, loblolly pines, and giant sequoias. Since their return to Earth, the seeds were germinated and raised into seedlings by the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service as a NASA project until their [...]

New focus on Burrton contamination plume

2024-11-20T09:57:10-06:00November 20th, 2024|

After years of monitoring the Burrton plume, the state’s renewed focus on water quality might lead to progress on contamination. This is the hope of Tim Boese, the manager of Groundwater Management District 2. “I’m hoping the steam we’ve got going doesn’t diminish,” Boese said. Boese said there’s been a statewide focus on water quality that he hopes will lead to some changes. Most recently, the Kansas Water Office hired a consultant to conduct a feasibility study to determine what the options are to deal with the plume. Boese said the state had a study done in 2020, but it was [...]

Applications being taken for Sedgwick Citizens’ Police Academy

2024-11-20T09:54:06-06:00November 20th, 2024|

Sedgwick’s police department is accepting applications for a Citizens’ Police Academy, starting on Jan. 23, 2025 through March 13, 2025. The cost is free for interested people, and the academy takes place every Thursday night from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Sedgwick Police Department office at 505 N. Commercial. “Lots of agencies do Citizen’s Police Academies, and I had the pleasure of hosting it for several years when I was in Newton,” Police Chief Bryan Hall said. “It’s a program that community members can learn why police do the things they do. Most complaints come from unrealistically high expectation and [...]

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