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Marion revives historic district

2025-01-24T10:31:18-06:00January 24th, 2025|

An effort to get Marion’s downtown designated as a historic district — opening the door to tax credits to pay for building improvements — will continue after a five-year hiatus touched off by 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic. Source: Marion County RECORD

Sand Creek path a huge project, both difficult and ‘cool’

2025-01-24T10:18:35-06:00January 24th, 2025|

The City recently received an offer for an estimated $3 million from the State of Kansas to help extend the Sand Creek trail by 1.2 miles and connect its two pieces. The City has had plans and estimates for the project, but until now, no funding existed, and solving the exact details was not something to spend staff time on. Source: Harvey County Now

Lt. Governor Toland Announces Rural Economic Development Grant Recipients

2025-01-24T10:13:27-06:00January 24th, 2025|

Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland today announced the award recipients for the Strategic Economic Expansion and Development (SEED) grant program. In this round of funding, more than $250,000 was distributed among 12 recipients across the state. “Through the SEED grant program, we’re helping our small and rural communities grow stronger and become more resilient,” Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Commerce David Toland said. “These investments will drive economic development, enhance local services and create a more prosperous future across the state.” Source: Kansas Department of Commerce

Building community

2025-01-24T10:12:29-06:00January 24th, 2025|

The chief has a vested interest in taking care of his town. For the past three years, Adelman and his two part-time officers have done a lot to gain the trust of Mulberry’s 400-plus residents using what Adelman calls proactive police work. Since Adelman became chief, Mulberry’s crime rate has dropped significantly. He and his officers have taken the time to learn everyone’s name, instilling a sense of community that was lost for a time. Source: Morning Sun

���Happiness is a warm puppy���

2025-01-24T10:10:50-06:00January 24th, 2025|

A local city is distributing free straw to help citizens insulate outside dog houses and pet shelters during some of the coldest days of the winter, so far. A yearly occurrence, the city of Arma is giving free straw to area pet owners as a way to keep their pets from freezing during the winter season. According to assistant city clerk Vanessa Kent, the straw is acquired by the city from Blue Ribbon Farm & Home, an animal feed store in Pittsburg. Source: Morning Sun

USD 383 to outsource groundskeeping to local contractors

2025-01-24T10:09:41-06:00January 24th, 2025|

The USD 383 school board on Wednesday unanimously voted to outsource mowing and upkeep services to two outside companies, making up for staff shortages and saving the district some cash. Source: 1350 KMAN

Andover Mayor Price says connection to El Dorado lake can help solve water problem

2025-01-24T10:08:20-06:00January 24th, 2025|

With Wichita increasing their water rates, which passes onto Andover residents, Mayor Ronnie Price says the issue could be solved by connecting Andover to the El Dorado Lake. The Wichita City Council approved a 6.75% rate increase for water on Tuesday, December 3, effective with bills issued on or after January 1, 2025. Low-volume water users will see their bills rise by $3.21, mid-volume users will experience a $4.79 increase, and high-volume users will face an increase of $9.59. The rate increase comes due to inflation, operational adjustments, and other challenges. Source: Andover American

Local governments should provide better access to information

2025-01-24T10:06:23-06:00January 24th, 2025|

The City of Arkansas City is a model in providing public access to its City Commission meetings and information about those meetings in advance so that residents know what their local representatives are up to and how their tax dollars could and are being spent. Source: Cowley CourierTraveler

City Hall might finally get into historic district

2025-01-24T10:05:34-06:00January 24th, 2025|

Arkansas City’s downtown historic district be reshaped with the removal of some properties and the addition of others — City Hall, the police department and Ben Givens Park. Arkansas City commissioners approved a resolution Tuesday authorizing the city to apply for a $25,000 Historic Preservation Fund Grant from the National Park Service to change the boundaries. Source: Cowley CourierTraveler

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