The City of Iola is working with local churches and organizations to remind utility customers of a program that helps neighbors in times of financial hardship. When paying your utility bill, you have an option to round up to the nearest dollar or make an additional donation. With cooler temperatures rolling in, the City of Iola wants people to know they can help their neighbors keep their house warm this winter. “If you choose, you can round up your utility payment to the nearest $1, $5, or $10 and it can go towards someone who needs assistance with their bill,” explained City Clerk Roxanne Hutton. The City of Iola Clerk’s office is working in collaboration with Humanity House, Wesley United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, and the Family Resource Center to continue the Community Utility Relief Bank (CURB) fund. The program is dedicated to assisting local families with their utility bills during times of financial hardship.
Source: The Iola Register