The Federal Bureau of Investigations will contribute some funds to the Olathe Police Department’s new firing range planned in southern Olathe. On Tuesday, the Olathe City Council voted 6-0 to approve a 20-year memorandum of understanding with the FBI for shared use and shared cost of building the facility near 167th Street and Interstate 35. Additionally, the city council approved an agreement with Turner Construction for the design and construction of the firing range. Councilmember Matt Schoonover was absent from the meeting. Firing range project to cost around $15M.
All the features of the new firing range planned in southern Olathe are still being settled, but on Tuesday, Olathe Police Chief Mike Butaud showed pictures of a police firing range under construction in Michigan off of which Olathe could base theirs. The plan is to build a range with some indoor and outdoor training spaces. In its capital improvement plan list, the city has budgeted just over $13.1 million for the project. The FBI will kick in another $2 million to help build it.
Source: Johnson County Post