Pottawatomie County is changing up how it appoints its planning commission members as the county commission expands from three to five members in November. Currently, each of the three county commissioners appoints two representatives to the 10-member planning commission, which serves as an advisory board to the county commission, making recommendations regarding land use, conditional use permits, subdivision development and site plan reviews. They also select four additional members at large. But the expansion of the county commission after this fall’s election means the planning commission needs to undergo reconfiguring, and members of both boards on Monday hammered out a plan to evenly distribute planning commission appointments throughout the county. The county commission will vote on whether to accept the proposal in an upcoming meeting. The new plan separates the county into four planning districts. Each of the five county commissioners will appoint one planning commission member from the district they represent. Then, each planning district will send one member to the planning commission, and an at-large appointee will bring the total number of members to 10. County administrator Chad Kinsley said the plan was the “best recommendation” he’d heard, and county commissioner Greg Riat said it was “fair.”
Source: themercury.com