Don Osenbaugh
Don OsenbaughMunicipal Consultant
Don Osenbaugh has been associated with Ranson since January 2013, and has had a public service career now spanning nearly fifty years.

Don obtained both his BA (US History) and MPA (Masters of Public Administration) from Wichita State University. He began his “city” career with a short internship stint with the Wichita Water Department, and then went on to serve twelve years as the City Administrator in Halstead. After leaving Halstead, Dan was Finance Director/Assistant City Manager for the City of Derby for four years, before moving on to the League of Kansas Municipalities where he was Director of Finance and Field Services for yet another twelve years

During his time at The League, Don was also the Pool Administrator of KMIT, a state-wide municipal work comp pool. After “retiring” from the League (and KPERS) at the end of 2012, Don continued to manage KMIT (as a self-employed contractor), and still does today.

Don also operates his own consulting business (Osenbaugh Consulting), through which he conducts city manager searches and councils trainings for individual cities.

Don has an extensive background in city finance and budgeting, city services and utilities, city infrastructure, and all city business processes and procedures.

Don and his wife, Sue, have lived in Derby since 1997. They are the parents of two, the grandparents of three, and the great-grandparents of one.