A mixed-use and “workforce housing” development proposed in southern Olathe has hit a snag. On Monday, the Olathe Planning Commission unanimously recommended the denial of the HōM Flats rezoning and preliminary site development plan application. The proposal features just over 200 apartment units and several thousand square feet of planned commercial space on a 14-acre property west of 161st Street and Mur-Len Road. That’s near some single-family homes, a neighborhood center with retail, some lower-density multifamily and a fire station. Currently, the property is zoned mostly with rural and low-density designations from before Olathe annexed it from Johnson County, plus a little bit of city office zoning. Michigan-based developer Magnus Capital Partners LLC is seeking to convert it into “community center” (C-2) and low-density multifamily residential categories to make way for the mixed-use and apartment elements.
Source: Johnson County Post