Lawrence city commissioners approved most proposed changes to public comment procedures, including no longer broadcasting general public comment live. Commissioners hear public comment on specific agenda items they’re considering, but people may also address the commission about any topics “germane” to city business that aren’t on the agenda during the general public comment period — which has been near the beginning of meetings for years. Commissioners voted to: (1) Move general public comment almost to the end of the meetings, but not the very end. Frequent commenter Chris Flowers told the commission that people often make points in general public comment that commissioners at the end of the meeting ask city staff to address. Some commissioners said they thought that was a good point. The general public comment period will be after all the regular agenda items and work sessions, but before commission items. (2) No longer broadcast public comment on the meeting livestreams, but still include public comment in recordings of meetings. It was not clear whether the broadcast of meetings will be turned back on at the end of public comment to publicly share commission items. (3) Strongly encourage public commenters to give their names and zip codes, but not require signing up in advance or requiring speakers to share their full addresses.
Source: The Lawrence Times